CHMF Weather Data

View Current Conditions  and Graphs

Links to recent data (first two columns below) are not currently working. Check Back here for these data. We are working to get this repaired. GW

In 2005, we established a network of three weather stations that collect data continuously.   Data are stored as 15-minute averages.  Averages of each variable are uploaded by radio telemetry at one-hour intervals and stored on computers at Clay Hill.  Our data files include 96 measurements/sensor every 24 hours;  in a week we record 672 measurements/sensor; in a month we record over 20,000 measurements/sensor.   These data are sufficient to allow you to examine details of a single day or trends that occur over a year or more.

Our main weather station  is located near a constructed wetland which is surrounded by lawns and fields.    The two woodland stations are located in clearly different forests.  The first is in a sheltered ravine with mature trees, while the second is located in a section of woodland that was selectively cut for timber in the summer of 2004.  The data from the forest stations are often markedly different from that collected at the main station.  We use Onset Computer® sensors and equipment. Information about weather sensing is available at the Onset® web site. Information related to specific sensors we utilize is provided on a separate web page.  If you have further questions contact us. 

To download weather data, click on the link provided above.  You can save the text files to your computer by depressing the right mouse button and selecting "save as".  Once you have these files on your computer you can import the text files into many spreadsheets where you can plot the data or analyze it as you wish.  

Recent Text Files

Recent Onset® Files

Archived Data

Current Conditions

Miscellaneous Data

Main Weather Station

Order of variables   

Forested Ravine      

Order of variables   

Logged Forest

Order of variables

   Main Weather Station

   Forested Ravine

   Logged Forest

   Main Weather Station

   Forested Ravine

   Logged Forest

Weather Web Server

Coming Soon


   Published 11 September 2005                               Last modified  20 August 2012          © Clay Hill Memorial Forest 2005    

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