Who has been or is involved in research

at Clay Hill or CU


Vanessa Kanaan -- mammal behavior Stephanie Noland -- woodfrog life history
Booker Johnson -- showy orchis distribution Belinda Wilkens -- mountain brook lamprey ecology
Hannah Bennett -- salamanders of CHMF Core Mikayla Bishop -- tree banding to access growth rates
John Mcdermond -- crayfishes of White Creek Nicholas Rogers -- tree banding to access growth rates
Jordan Kelsey -- banded sculpin food habits Allison Neireiter -- large mammal distribution
Hannah Bennett -- ectoparasites of darters Bethany Webb -- salamander distribution & marking
Steven Kim -- ectoparasites of small mammals Katherine Cappel -- bioacoustic monitering of bats
Joanna Isaacs-- surface water chemistry Nikki McCamish --Canopy closure and bird diversity
Andrea O'Bryan -- salamanders of Feather Creek Amy Dyer -- winter orchid distribution
Gretchen Walker-- brook lamprey embryology Shelby Cosby-- salamander distribution & marking
Alyssa Jeffries -- newt population estimate Will King -- crayfishes of Clay Hill
John Weddle -- Butterflys of Clay Hill

Daniel Douglas -- terrestrial snails of Clay Hill

Nathan Wise -- small mammals of Clay Hill Ben Corbin -- mammals of a logged woodland
Matt Beasley -- macroinvertebrates of CHMF stream Josh Price -- ectoparasites of small mammals
Maria DeVore -- mammals of burned prairie Angela Marcum -- salamander spawning
Amy Etherington -- small mammal survey Carson Cline -- small mammal survey
Matthew Savage -- amphibians of Bryan Pond Lauren Mayton -- mussels and water quality Green River
Andrea Drayer -- Reptiles and amphibians of CHMF Alicia Bosela -- Plants of Feather Creek
Brenda Tungate -- Flowering dates of spring ephemerals Ralph Thompson - Vascular flora of Clay Hill
Julian Campbell -- Plant communities of Clay Hill Robert Doty -- Much wildflower and bird photography
Amy Berry -- Tree frogs and photography Richard Kessler -- Mentor
Gordon Weddle -- Mentor  

  Published 9 May 2014     Last modified  7 March 2018      © Clay Hill Memorial Forest 2014

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