For many years, Drs. Weddle and Kessler have been interested in the community ecology of fishes. The work was initiated by Dr. Weddle as a part of his dissertation research. Dr. Kessler was and undergraduate student volunteer at the time that we worked on resource partitioning in a community of fishes in upper Russell Creek in Adair County. Later, Weddle assisted Kessler in performing similar research on a community of darters in lower Russell Creek in Green County. Dr. Kessler modified the technique for to examine shoreline communities of fishes in the Ohio River during his dissertation research. Dr. Kessler was instrumental in working with the Corps of Engineers to modify flow from Green River Dam so that it more closely approximates natural patterns
of flooding. These efforts may have a positive impact on aquatic communities in the Green River drainage. To determine long-term patterns, we want to initiate a series of periodic standard samples in the drainage. By so doing we may be able to assess change in fish communities. This work will utilize a one square meter electroshock frame as a standard method of sampling. This work will provide continuing opportunity for students to participate. If you are interested in working on this project, contact
Dr. Kessler.