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White Ash (Fraxinus americana)

White ash axillary bud with half moon leafscarWhite ash axillary bud with half moon leafscarwhiteash axillary buds with stipule scar

White Ash (Fraxinus americana) has rounded twigs that are without hairs. The leaf scars are "U"-shaped with the bud setting in the top of the scar (middle photograph). The terminal buds are rounded. This tree has opposite buds and leaves that are pinnately compound. White ash is one of very few trees that has opposite compound leaves. It differs from yellow buckeye in having pinnate rather than palmate compound leaves. The bark of white ash is thick and often blocky. If you press on the bark of white ash with your thumbnail, it feels soft and spongy. CLICK on any image to enlarge it.

View a Bark Slide Show
Identify Trees by Bark
Identify Trees by Twigs
Identify Trees by Fruits
Winter Botany
Yellow Buckeye
White Ash
American Beech
Flowering Dogwood
Northern Red Oak
Yellow Poplar


Published 8 August 2012       Last revised 8 August 2012  ©Clay Hill Memorial Forest 2012

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