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Persimmon (Diospyros virginianum)

pithchambered pith in persimmonchambered pith in persimmon

Persimmon (Diospyros virginianum) has slender rounded twigs that are without hairs. There are noterminal buds. Axillary buds have two dark scales. If you look very carefully, the leaf scars have a row of dots that look a lot like the mouth of a smily face. The pith of the stem is light in color with faint membranes that separte it into chambers (right photo) This tree has opposite simple leaves with smooth edges. The underside of the leaves has a fine mesh of veins that often looks like a spider web. The bark of persimmon is blocky. It resembles black gum in this respect but black gum has a leaf scar with three dark spots. The persimmon has edible orange fruits(about the size of a quarter) that ripen in autumn. The wood of persimmon is a beautiful hardwood that was once used for golf clubs. CLICK on any image to enlarge it..

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Winter Botany
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Published 8 August 2012       Last revised 8 August 2012  ©Clay Hill Memorial Forest 2012

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